Resources for Early Childhood Providers

As an early childhood educator, you are tasked with navigating complex regulations, standards, assessment systems, and program policies. While your program should have collaborations with local networks and services relevant to your specific community, funding source/s, curriculum, and community needs, we have compiled links to resources that you may wish to access. These can be accessed for candidacy and beyond!

Quick Links for Connecticut Providers

CT ELDS (English)

CTELDS (Español)

CT OEC Website

OEC Professional Registry

Licensing Statutes - Centers & Group Homes

CT OEC Licensing Statutes - FCC

Quick Links for New York Providers

NY State Early Learning Guidelines (English)

NY State Early Learning Guidelines (Espanol)

Resource Guides for School Success

NY Licensing Guidelines

NY Licensing Guidelines (Espanol)

Atlas Materials

Atlas Training Student Handbook

Sample Portfolio

Sample Lesson Plans